We are a Business Process Management Consulting Firm with a Dedicated Team of Process and Technology Practitioners to solve Business Problems.
Established in 2009, Q3edge has partnered with the leading global companies in their journey for Business Process Management for Continuous Process Improvement through Technology.
We are a team of Process Thinkers, Practitioners, LEAN SIX Sigma Black Belts, Data Scientist, Process Automation Engineers, Healthcare Doctors, MBAs, Graphic Designers, Visualizers, and consultants united by the passion for solving business’s most complex problems.
One thing common among all of us is “Generate Value by Increasing Organization Profitability” . We strongly believe that we can make meaningful impact at our client organizations and mark our presence.
We are excited only to increase one thing: Profitability, EBITDA, Revenue, ROI by whatever Name you call it,

We Business Process Management Consulting company in gurgaon align Business Vision, Strategies, Business Objectives with Business Processes along with the power of technology using Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to solve critical and complex business problems.
Our unique approach establishes Enterprise Architecture to Integrate Business Processes with IT Systems, monitor and control through real time Business Intelligence Dashboards to assess and improve business process maturity levels.
Q3Edge was established in 2009, with a vision as “to be recognised as top 3 Business Process Management company in India”. Since then, we haven’t stopped working hard for achieving that goal and got many recognitions and felicitations for our work.
Consultant Reviews proclaimed and awarded us as, “India’s top 25 Quality Management Consulting company”. And, CIO Reviews magazines as, “India’s top 20 Business Process Management company”.
We just don’t aim to be better with numbers and ranks. Our ultimate goal is to understand your values and work to assess and improve business process maturity levels. We are a team of Process Thinkers who believe in delivering the best values to you.
Our unique and humble approach has established ‘Enterprise Architecture’ to integrate business processes with IT Systems. We monitor and control through real-time Business Intelligence Dashboards to expand your business standards

The mission is to achieve 3 objectives for every organization where we work with them on BPM: Transparency, Agility, and Efficiency (TEA™).
- Transparency à We ensure that your business processes achieve clarity of roles and responsibility, clear relationship between strategy and execution, and business goals and process KPIs.
- Agility à With any change in the management of processes, your process efficiency will increase without interfering with your business principles.
- Efficiency à We assure that process and people capabilities will definitely rise.
TEA covers the three core elements of an organization to achieve growth and sustainability, those are ‘Strategy’, ‘Culture’ and ‘Execution’.
The Q3edge BPM STEP™ model defines your complete BPM journey in 4 phases:
- Design and Map.
- Business Intelligence.
- Robotic Process Automation.
- System Integration and Workflow.
We strongly believe that we can make meaningful impact at our client organizations and mark our presence. And, we are excited only to increase one thing: Profitability, EBITA, Revenue, ROI or whatever name you refer to
We work with Business Process Management (BPM) because we admire its simple approach helps you achieve excellence in business/operation. So, we often call it as Business Profitability Management. The most exciting part is when we establish it in an organization, it achieves their ultimate objective.
As quoted by our CEO and managing partner, Mr. Amit Chauhan, ‘We believe in working for a purpose’. When we work for a purpose, it gives an immense pleasure and self-satisfaction as we achieve that purpose. And thus, Q3edge’s “Work for a Purpose” initiative keeps us always on the toes to think and do better with each passing day.
Our perspective for quality isn’t limited to process documentation, quality control and audits & certification. Quality is a much bigger term. Managing a quality requires understanding the business commitments to its customers and stakeholders and hence design, define, execute and monitor business systems to ensure that commitment is delivered and recognition by customer and stakeholders is achieved
We started this journey because we realised that the approach of BPM is much bigger than any certification or compliance model. It is not about any certification, but about identifying and implementing the true power of business processes to achieve business objectives.
In reality an organization which implements BPM, can adopt any standard or framework and apply for any certification program or start digital journey. Q3edge has partnered with the leading global companies in their journey for Business Process Management for Continuous Process Improvement through Technology.
We experienced many business cases where BPM helped to improve the complex business scenarios in less than 20 days. That’s the power of simple BPM approach. And now the industry is moving towards more advanced technology solutions (AI, ML, VR etc), it becomes much more essential for an organization to adopt BPM to keep complete control on the systems. We strongly believe that there is a huge opportunity which lies ahead due to new technology advancements