How Process Intelligence Improves Automation?

Process Intelligence

Automation has already taken over the world and helped businesses in every sector. Whether it is about enhancing customer experience or saving operational costs, automation is the way to go. 

But it is important for one to do it right. It is quite a daunting task to automate the right processes, and this is where many businesses miss out on opportunities. 

This is why we are here to assist you in understanding the importance of making the most out of automation opportunities that can help your business progress ahead. Failing to execute automation appropriately can certainly hamper their business operations. This can prove to be a complete disaster. But there is a way you can overcome this situation. 

We are talking about Process Intelligence. This technology helps businesses to understand the value of automation. It is Process Intelligence with which businesses can optimize and manage their processes through automation. It helps you understand what needs to be automated first and ensure that the overall investment is going to provide excellent ROI. 

Let’s dig in deep.

Process Intelligence: Synopsis

When it comes to Process Intelligence, it is basically automated and constant business process development in every system. It helps in the process of providing a quicker and more accurate understanding of where your business process stands. 

It is important for all of us to understand how our business operates and how its data, applications, and people interact. With time the business processes get updated because of inefficiencies. This certainly hits the productivity and credibility of the business to serve the clients and customers as per their expectations. 

With Process Intelligence businesses can benefit from enhanced automation, process optimization, and, most importantly, digitalization. It helps businesses with unbiased and accurate data in real-time. Not only this, it helps in catching the inefficiencies quicker and makes it easy for the management to streamline everything that can help them serve better. 

This shows what Process Intelligence is all about. If you are still doubting the same, then you can check the facts related to it in the below segment. 

How Process Intelligence Can Make An Impact?

You might not agree with the words, but you have to agree with the stats. Below mentioned are the stats that show why it is important for businesses to invest heavily in the domain of process intelligence. Check it out:

  • Today, 43% of businesses have reduced their resource expenses because of tech integration and automation. 
  • More than 80% of businesses are enhancing work speed and productivity with the help of process intelligence and automation. 

This shows how businesses use process intelligence in optimizing their operations for better growth and returns. Now, if you are thinking about how it makes a difference, then the below segment can help you with the same. Read on. 

Why You Must Invest Now?

You might have a question about how process intelligence assists businesses in the long term. Process intelligence is going to perform a detailed analysis of the data collected from different processes of the organization and provide a report stating:

  • Have the processes been executed effectively?
  • What are the inefficiencies in the processes?
  • Ways one can get rid of inefficiencies and make the process better and effective.
  • What are the tasks that are 
  • The tasks that are hampering the process and causing disruption in the productivity

So, it helps businesses get an understanding of where things are going wrong and how it needs to be worked on to get the desired results. Doing things right can certainly make it easy for businesses to benefit significantly from Process Intelligence. This is where team Q3Edge can help. 

If you are thinking about how then the below segment can certainly give you a complete understanding of the same. s

Benefits You Get

The automation integration not only accelerates the business process but also optimizes the same to deliver a good volume of work hassle-free. Using the respective technology, you can understand where you need to apply the automation that can not only serve your customers efficiently but also resolve the inefficiencies quicker. 

There is lot more that come along with Process Intelligence technology, check it out:

  1. One of the biggest benefits that you get with the help of process intelligence is that it upgrades automation processes that can help in enhancing productivity as well. 
  2. It enhances business operations significantly. As the repetitive tasks get done automatically without any issues, it can save a business time and enhance productivity quite drastically. 
  3. As the tasks and operations get automated, businesses can reduce resources to execute the tasks. This can certainly save businesses a lot in the long term. 
  4. It helps them analyse the best ways to proceed ahead with the business operations to enhance productivity and serve their clients and customers well. 
  5. It enhances your governance and compliance value. This eventually leads to a better customer experience that can assist you in getting ahead of your peers.  

These are a few of the benefits that you get with the help of Process Intelligence. Now when you are clear about how it is going to benefit your business, you might be thinking how to get started with it. We have it sorted for you in the below segment. Let’s magnify to it.

Process Intelligence: How It Works?

Now you might be thinking about how Process Intelligence works to help business enhance their operations. It uses different tech facilities that include artificial intelligence, computer vision, natural language processing, and machine learning to execute its activities. 

Following the respective approach is being able to help you with real-time and well-analysed data that can be used for business benefits. To make it more clear below is the process that gets repeated through Process Intelligence. Check it out:  

  1. At first, data across all applications and systems is gathered or collected as per the business needs and requirements. 
  2. After the data is collected, the next step that comes along the Process intelligence is aggregation. Here all the business processes observations are compiled precisely. 
  3. The next step is to create detailed reports of all the assessments in terms of finding inefficiencies and the steps that need to be taken. 
  4. After aggregation, the next step is to use the insights to make proper decisions that can help in implying automation in the right areas. 

This is how to process intelligence work and help businesses enhance their performance significantly. All you have to do is to connect with the experts at Q3Edge who can help you with the same. We can help you enhance the way you work and also pave the way for growth opportunities that are going to assist you in the long term. 

Last Words

Hopefully, you got complete clarity about how businesses can make significant uplift with Process intelligence. From developing the digital twin to availing AI value immediately, to enhancing employee productivity, to boosting tech investments, it takes care of all. So, this shows how Process Intelligence can completely change the way your business operates and enhance the performance multifold. 

It helps you get rid of all the business inefficiencies and progress ahead. It makes it easy for businesses to deal with challenges by automating financial services, managing the public and healthcare sector becomes easier, the business process is optimized, and supply chain visibility gets better. All these aspects help businesses enhance their ROI and are ready for the future as well. 


Is process intelligence worthy?

Yes, with the help of process intelligence, businesses can get their operations automated and accurate. It helps your business deliver fast service that can be continuous and assist them in getting ahead in the race. 

What is the difference between process intelligence and RPA?

With the help of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), businesses can automate the execution of rules-based or repetitive tasks. But, when it comes to Process intelligence, it is not going to automate itself. It uncovers the details first and then accelerates automation with the help of the tools like RPA.

What is process intelligence analysis?

When it comes to Process intelligence analysis, it is the contextualization and interpretation of data. As and when the data is structured and captured by process intelligence technology, the process data is assessed to develop a digital workflow and remove inaccuracies. This can help businesses move towards improving all the time.

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