The Malcom Baldridge Performance Excellence Program provides organizations with one such framework to identify improvement opportunities, develop best practices, and attain and sustain top performance. Baldridge is a proven improvement and innovation framework to assess the  functioning and operations of any organization.

Many organizations globally are achieving significant quality, safety, and financial improvements by applying this framework in daily operations. In addition to these benefits the organizations can also apply for the Prestigious Baldridge award instituted by the Confederation of Indian Industries and be recognised in the industry for the best practices. Research has proven that adoption of Baldridge practices leads to higher organizational performance and substantially better business results.

The impact of using the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence can be significant in improving quality, reducing costs, and becoming the market leader. As the Baldridge framework propagates, Differentiation through demonstration of top performance is essential for survivability and sustainability.

Our Offerings

In these changing times it is imperative that Health care organizations Integrate Quality into their Successful business strategies. Integrate quality with financial, marketing, technology, and human resource strategies. All this needs to be done to achieve the singular vision of
transforming their organizations to benchmarks for Business Excellence

To assist them in this endeavor, organizations need a reliable method for determining:

  1. How close or distant is the organization from achieving its Vision?
  2. How balanced is the strategy to achieve the vision or Business objectives?
  3. What needs to be done to remove the imbalance?
  4. How to set objectives to meet the next milestone?

The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program is an objective & quantifiable rating system
that can help organizations to :

  1. What is my present position?
  2. How to Deploy precious resources effectively?
  3. How to Invest wisely in the future?
  4. How to Achieve the desired results to stay ahead?

Malcom Baldridge Performance Excellence Framework :

Malcom Baldridge assessment protocol is based on the following seven criteria :

Malcom baldridge

Baldridge is a proven improvement and innovation framework to assess the  functioning and operations of any organization. Objective Implementation of the framework also gives an opportunity to apply for various performance Excellence Awards

WHAT are the Benefit of Applying for the Performance Excellence Award :

  • Recognition of the organization at a National & International Level
  • Get a comprehensive External Perspective
  • Measure the progress on the improvement Journey
  • Action Oriented Feedback
  • Compare with the best in Class Organizations

Progressive Levels of Performance Excellence:

Baldridge framework & Accreditations :

Our Offerings
We can help you to  identify your  strengths that you must build upon and the opportunities for improvement. The diagnostic study can help the organization in identifying the blind spots and implement a strategy to handle the same.
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