Measure & Control Process Stability and Capability 1 day

                                                       “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.

                                                                                                               – Albert Einstein


Everything has a variation. Variation is the part of everything around us. But, we talk a lot about “stability” and “consistency” and expect the same in our way of working. So is it a “stability paradox”?

Variations exist and variations are not evil. But not every variation is good. We must understand when a variation becomes an evil for our business processes. Good news, there are scientific methods to identify, highlight and control “unwanted” variations. These are also known as “signals” or “special causes”. A process becomes out of control when signal appears in the process. There are 8 rules to find signals in your business process. A stable process predicts the outcome and helps organization to improve it’s capability.

About the Program

This program is designed for the Subject Matter Experts, as well as for those who are actively involved in managing business processes for operations or functional department. The program will provide the specialized knowledge on how to communicate business operations with process thinking using process language. The program includes various techniques and best practices that guide SMEs to discover, define and manage business processes.

1. An Understanding of Business Process Management
2. Discover and Define Business Processes
3. Manage Business Processes
4. Improve, and Optimize Business Processes

The Outline

1. An Understanding of Manage Business Processes

A. Introduction to Basic Process Statistics
B. Learn About Type of Data: A Fundamental to All Statistics Techniques
C. Data Collection Method
D. Verification and Validation of Data Collection Method
E. Prepare to Measure Process Stability and Capability

2. Make Process Stable and Predictable

A. An Understanding to Process Stability
B. Process Stability for Continuous Process Data
C. Process Stability for Discrete Process Data
D. Build Prediction Model for Stable Process

3. Achieve Process Capability

A. An Understanding to Process Capability
B. Process Capability for Continuous Process Data
C. Process Capability for Discrete Process Data
D. Build Process Capability Baseline Report

The Participants

▪ Function Heads
▪ Subject Matter Experts,
▪ Domain Experts,
▪ Business Analyst,
▪ Process Analyst,
▪ Process Owners and
▪ Everyone who involves in process management and improvement

The Duration

The Program is designed for 1 day of class room / online class room session.

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