Why You Really Need Business Process Management Services

Half of the businesses today, realized business process management (BPM) is a great way of cost—reduction. BPM methodology helps you grow your business quick and effortlessly.
BPM is a means to improve business performance outcomes and responsiveness of operations. In this article, we will dig deeper into the basics of Business Process Management.

What is Business Process Management?

BPM is collective methods used for managing a company’s business processes. It is basically operations management. Business process management strategy involves:—
• Techniques to discover
• Model
• Evaluate
• Measure
• Improve
• Optimize
• And automate business processes.

It is considered the best business practice comprising various techniques and structured methodologies. It is often confused to be a technology whereas, it is basically strategic tactics to get your work done efficiently.

Why business process management?

To understand why we need BPM, you must know what happens if you don’t use it?
1. Shortage of data.
2. Wastage of time.
3. Chances of errors increase by many folds.
4. Unsatisfied customers.
5. Dispirited employees.
Sounds awful, right! To save yourself from all the above situations you need proper process management.
What are the business process management life cycle phases?
The BPM follows certain steps.

The five steps in business process management

Business Process Management Services

1. Design
The very first step is designing a workflow. Before you proceed, you need a mode of data collection. Thereafter, a workflow needs to be built to process the collected data.
You may need a mock—up form to collect and display information.
The form also identifies who is assigned each set of tasks. In simpler words, the purpose of business process management is breakdown of process into smaller tasks.
2. Model
The second step is creating a business model. It is typically a process of making visual display of the processes. It includes the order of events in the workflow. An example of such a visualization can be: —

Initiate  Form completed  Review by the manager  Form updated as per the reviews and re submission done  Approval of request by manager  Approval of request by CEO  Completion.
This is just an example of linear representation for approval of a capital expenditure. However, many processes may not be this simple or have a predefined path.

Our personalized BPM model allows you to resolve all your issues.
3. Execute
Without proper execution of the business process cycle, the above—mentioned steps will be useless. For this step you need a Business Process Management System.
This system can be built according to your needs or tailor—made BPM system can be purchased. Bonus tip: Always test your system for small groups first, before presenting it to the world.
4. Monitor
It is a crucial step to watch and analyze if your workflow is running properly. Choose your metrics to determine the outcomes wisely.
This helps you understand if the business model processes are working for you or not. This gives a lot of perspective if the processes you designed could help you reach your business goals.
That is the part where you locate all the loopholes.
5. Optimize
After thorough analysis, it’s time to make the amends in the form/workflow. Optimization is required to make your workflow more and more efficient.
A good BPM system works effortlessly on each of these steps. Transforming businesses to yield best results is not that easy!

Transform your operations, achieve your goals

with our expert BPM consulting.

Results of an efficient BPM

A performance—based, customer—driven firm requires to produce 3 vital results:—
• Precise strategic direction.
• Optimization of firm’s resources.
• Maintaining discipline in everyday operations.
Successful business process management is capable of producing the desired outcomes.
With the emergence of BPM platforms, the tedious manual works have now become automated. That means, fewer human interventions are required. This in turn, ensures better accuracy and efficiency.
You now focus all your energy on your core competitions, while BPM platform does all the tiresome tasks. Due to which, resource optimization is ensured and balance is maintained.
Good business process management techniques assure best results at a very low cost.

Difference between BPM and BPMS

Many people seem to mistake BPM for BPMS. BPM incorporates all the disciplines managed by professionals. BPMS is Business Process Management Suite which is merely one aspect of BPM.
BPMS is the set of tools designed to assist the BPM professionals reach their goals. It includes all the ways to automate your business processes.

What are the major benefits of BPM?

There are numerous business process management benefits. Let us look at 10 benefits of business process management: —
1. Customizable.
Every business is different, and so are their goals. BPM offer you ways to personalize and customize it as per your own goals. It is not a rigid system.
The design is flexible and amends can be made at any time of the process. And that too, with minimal costs!
2. Lower risks.
Since the system is highly monitored, it saves you from fraud. BPM makes your work more efficient and produce better results. This helps you meet your bigger organizational goals.
3. Transparent.
All the businesses have to adhere to certain rules and norms set by the industry. BPM helps you to implement these norms quick and easy.
This ensures transparency and thus, visibility to employees increase. If you meet the standards then, you save all your money from unwanted fines and dues.
4. Productive.
As discussed earlier, one major aspect of BPM is automation. This prevents you from doing the same redundant task over and over again.
Due to which, you can focus your energy on other aspects of the business. That makes your business more productive and employees happier.
5. High—spirited employees BPM clears most of the loopholes and does all the tedious work. This makes the employees to focus their 100% energy on other important tasks. The information access is easy, so employees can incorporate it for better reach to the customers.
6. Customer—centered.
A happier workforce produces better results. Since BPM keeps the employees happy, the employees can concentrate better to retain customers.
Customer support and queries can be resolved faster and efficient thus, customer satisfaction is also increased. BPM brings people and technology closer.
7. Sustainable.
With time the business processes need to change and adapt accordingly. Though BPM is highly adaptable by nature, but it still manages to maintain control to give the best results.
8. Measurable.
BPM is not theoretical. Each step of the process is measurable and can be checked to see if gives expected results.
When incorporated with technology, it provides tools for reporting and assessing the decisions.
9. Reliable.
Once you assign a task and design BPM to respond in a certain way it is saved. The same kind of problems are dealt in the same manner.
BPM is trust—worthy as it handles all the issues appropriately.
10. Integrated with technology.

A part of BPM is BPMS, which is responsible to integrate businesses with technology. It overcame the communication lag between businessman and IT. The major business process management tool benefits are to automate the processes and make the work of humans easier.
How does various departments benefit from BPM? Is BPM helpful for all the employees?
To answer the above questions, let us look at some business process management examples: —
> HR.
Some organization’s onboarding process is too complex and messy. Does your company’s HR department ask candidates to fill exhausting paper forms? That simply means, your company lacks basic BPM skills.
On applying BPM all the tedious tasks become automated. This saves resources – paper, time, and money!
After applying BPM, the onboarding process becomes smother and the employee timesheets are approved faster.
> Sales.
The sales team has to frequently get their sales invoices approved by the Accounts Receivable (AR) team. If the AR team manually produces each invoice, then the probability of typing error is increased by many folds.
This can be a nightmare to the sales taskforce. If BPM is unified then, such repeated tasks can be automated easily. This makes the life easier of both AR and sales team.
It also ensures that the quotes and invoices are always on time.
> Finance.
BPM can be a major help to the finance department. Anything which is money related needs to be approved by the finance team. So, every day they get numerous requests and quotations.
Reviewing the appeals and maintaining a proper track is very important. But doing this manually is just burdensome!
Business process management system manages everything for them. Now, they easily approve or reject requests with a single click. The customizable property of BPM is even better to suit their needs.

Is BPM a one—time exercise?

BPM is certainly not a one—time exercise. It involves continuous assessing of the processes and taking actions accordingly. It is basically a systematic and repeating cycle of reviewing and making amends.
It is based on three standards: —
1. UML— Unified Modeling Language.
2. MOF— Meta Object Facility.
3. XMI— XML Metadata Interchange.

Is business process management services cost—effective?

Business process management services may seem a bit expensive at first. But on a longer run, with all the benefits you are assured to get a yield a better profit. And, BPM gives you the best results.
We, at Q3Edge assure affordability with the best results. We have various services for you to opt.
These include Business Process Management (BPM Consulting), Business Process Architecture, Process Mapping, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and Business Process Re—Engineering.
Here’s a glimpse of what is included in our services: —

  • BPM Consulting— Aligns the organizational visions and making strategies accordingly.
  • Business Process Architecture— Frames a visual hierarchical model to explain how your business can be better organized.
  • Process Mapping— Get rid of your rigid and bureaucratic system. Processes are properly defined, designed and managed.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)— The technology that will automate all the important repetitive business processes. This ensures minimal human interventions. Hence, fewer chances of errors.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning— Address business challenges cost—effectively using vivid technology.
  • Business Process Re—Engineering – Identifies the key areas for improvement in your business strategy. Re—engineer the designs to achieve high.

Why choose us?

Q3Edge is a one—stop solution to all your business needs. We provide you the best business process management services at really affordable prices.
Have you been trying really hard but not getting the best results? Q3Edge will help you achieve your goals. For any queries, feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help.

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