The Challenges with Modelling Process

“modelling process is tough for business users to understand”, “modelling process is complex”, “I do not see any value in modelling process” there are some of the common notions among we heard from many organizations both, the ones who have used P.M and those who haven’t.
The question is whether modelling process is actually a complex and non-value adding concept? To answer this, unfortunately, the answer is yes. As long as modelling process is considered just a ‘flow diagram’ P.M will never add value to your organization. But the fact is, process models are not just another documentation method or standard operating procedures, the purpose of P.M is very wide.
What do you mean by Modelling Process?

It is a powerful method to integrate business vision with strategies, business objectives, process KPI’s to business processes. Process models are the simple yet powerful tool to visualize your business process and understand what is working fine and what is not. It is the fastest approach to see, understand and evaluate end to end processes.
However, in order to make utmost use of it, the following are some important elements to be taken considered:
1. Process Architecture: A Bigger Picture:
Unless you know your bigger picture, you can design and evaluate the output of modelling process. By a big picture, we mean a complete Business Architecture consisting of multiple value chains or just one value chain. A big picture of the organization helps it to remain focused and align all business processes accordingly.
2. modelling process Conventions:
Before starting your journey, it is essential to first define your modelling process excellence framework, also known as modelling process Conventions. In the absence of P.M conventions or if the defined conventions are overlooked, there’s a high probability that you end up creating complex business process. This will hamper the business users to understand the right intentions of the process.
3. Process Collaboration:
You can never achieve what is desired unless business users collaborate on the business processes. P.M must collaborate business users to discuss, evaluate, comment, and Business Process Improvement. More collaboration results in better understanding and acceptance.
4. Modelling Measurement:
Can you measure the effectiveness of your processes? If the answer is no, you are missing one of the critical elements of modelling process. The effectiveness of modelling process must be measured to ensure that we are aligned towards our big picture and expected values. Talk to your stakeholders and find, what is really needed by them from the process information. Define your measurements accordingly and measure the effectiveness of modelling process for the set measurement criteria.
5. Project Management:
Impractical timelines, over expected deliverable’s , are some attributes of ineffective project management. IF P.M is not planned, monitored and controlled through effective project management, it will result in frustration among the business users and modelers. Before starting P.M , estimate efforts and time involved in each process while keeping in mind the process conventions. It’s not only effective planning that matters but monitoring and controlling are equally important.
6. Know Your Challenges:
Quite often, we get impressed with the work of competitor organizations. We then compare their apparent information with that of our own organization. Comparing is fine, but the problem is when you conclude that your organization does not have such structured information. One must consider that the organization which now has detailed and structured information began their journey with issues similar to that of your organization. What rather needs to be acknowledged is that those organization also faced the same problems as you face today, but during the journey, they evolved and got there where they are now. Document list of your challenges, your expectations and plan your journey accordingly. Define your 30-60- 90 days journey and post that repeat it for the next level of maturity.
7. Process Governance:
Every process must have clearly defined roles and responsibilities. R.A.C.I (Responsible, Accountable, Consultant, and Informed to) are important roles for a process. You must never define Responsible or accountable to a department, that’s wrong. In modelling process, define right process governance so that weak areas can be identified and improved.
modelling process can help you evolve and grow, all you need is to dedicate proper time to build it!
Why We Should Use Business Process Modeling?
For businesses looking to streamline their operations and boost productivity, business process modelling is an essential tool. These are a few explanations for why companies employ business process modelling:
Process Improvement
Businesses can find areas for improvement and create new, more effective processes with the aid of business process modelling. The current processes are represented visually, allowing for analysis and optimisation to lower costs, boost productivity, and enhance quality.
Employees and stakeholders may communicate about the processes in a single language thanks to business process modelling. Between departments and functional areas, it makes communication, collaboration, and decision-making easier.
Business process modelling makes sure that an organization’s processes are consistent, transparent, and auditable, which aids in compliance with industry norms and standards. It is beneficial to recognise potential risks and vulnerabilities and put in place suitable measures.
By giving process design and development a systematic framework, business process modelling promotes innovation. It enables businesses to test out novel concepts and strategies and react swiftly to shifting consumer demands and market conditions.
Training and Documentation
The development of training materials and the documentation of procedures can be based on business process modelling. It guarantees that workers can efficiently carry out their activities and have a clear grasp of their roles and responsibilities.
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